
1 - General

1.1 Sul Cargo Virtual dev is a fictitious airline that aims to simulate flight operations on virtual networks.

1.2 It is a non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to entertainment in a virtual environment.

1.3It is a virtual airline approved only for the IVAO network.

1.4 We use Simbrief as the main tool for dispatching flights, it provides us with all the necessary documentation for the flight, so it is essential to have an account on the platform, if you do not have an account click here.

2 - Admission

The candidate interested in being part of the pilot board must meet the following requirements:

2.1 Have an active account in the IVAO.;    network;

2.2 Possess 600 flight hours and the rating of FS3 (Advanced Flight Student) or 200 flight hours and the rating of PP (Private Pilot);

2.3 Pass the theoretical exam consisting of 20 multiple choice questions on air navigation, air traffic regulation, aeronautical meteorology and performance.

2.4 The candidate will have 7 days to take the exam after being released in the system.

2.5 The entrance exam will last 20 minutes.

2.6 The minimum passing grade is 7.

2.7 After allowing access to the dispatch system, the pilot will have 7 days to make his first flight.

3 - Permanence and Conduct

3.1 The pilot board member must make at least 1 flight every 30 days to keep his registration active. Afterwards, it will be disconnected without prior notice.

3.2 The member may request temporary leave of up to 30 days. This leave can only be requested at intervals of at least 3 months.

3.3 The member is responsible for knowing and complying with the IVAO regulations . If suspensions or reports of misconduct are observed, you may be alerted or disconnected.

3.4 Each member is responsible for preserving the image and all material of Sul Cargo Virtual dev. Inappropriate use or distribution may cause the pilot board member to be disconnected.

4 - Flight Reports

4.1Sul Cargo Virtual dev uses SmartCARS as a flight registration platform.

4.2 Every log sent will be analyzed by the eFOQA system.

4.3 If a recurrence in errors is noted, the pilot will be invited to meet with the operations sector and, if he insists on errors, he may be removed from operations.

4.4 The staff group reserves the right to disapprove any log and the justification will be presented to the pilot through the portal.

4.5 The use of aircraft certified by Sul Cargo Virtual dev is mandatory:

Boeing 737-300 : IXEG and CaptainSim, flights with other equipment or other manufacturers will be rejected.

Boeing 737-800 : Zibo e PMDG e iFly, flights with other equipment or other manufacturers will be rejected.

5 - Temporary leave

At any time, the crew member has the right to request temporary removal from the company, the maximum period is 30 days! The request must be sent to our email If the member does not return within 30 days, he will be automatically removed from the pilot list.

6 - Leave

At any time, the crew has the right to request termination of the company! The request should be sent to our email

7 - Privacy

7.1 - When you register, the following data will be collected:

7.1.1 - Name

7.1.2 - Last name

7.1.3 - Date of birth

7.1.4 - Email address

7.1.5 - Country

7.1.6 - IVAO ID

7.2 - These data are used exclusively for registration and participation in our pilots.

7.3 - Data will not be shared, sold, rented or traded.

7.4 - Members who are disconnected from the pilot board will have their data deleted automatically.

7.5 - Those who wish to cancel their registration, must request by e-mail .

7.6 - Our website may use cookies to help you personalize your experience.

7.7 - Minors under 16 years of age will not be able to participate in the pilot board.

7.8 - All data provided is protected by European Union Law (GDPR). For more information, click here.


This is the initial position of the pilot in the company, it is granted after the pilot is qualified and passed the theoretical entrance exam, the pilot will remain in this position until he reaches the necessary hours for the promotion to Commander and has vacancies available for the position.

Requirements: item 2 of the Rules *

The position of commander is a position of trust in the company. It will be awarded to experienced pilots who have accumulated at least 500 flight hours and have passed a theoretical and practical exam for the function.

Requirements: 500hrs of flight in the airline.