About Us

First of all we would like to make it clear that SUL Cargo is a fictional Virtual Airline (VA), non-profit!

Our company was created with the intention of simulating the operations of any cargo airline, however, as it is a fictitious VA, we offer some advantages, such as, for example, we operate in different corners of Brazil, we use a fleet of very modern and safe cargo aircraft, in addition to the other advantages that you will only know after completing the registration!

All company crew members will have access to a modern and sophisticated Operational Dispatch, where the files needed to start flights by the company can be found for download, textures, in addition to information such as flight reservations, briefings, etc.

We offer great systems for members of the company! For flight reporting, we use SmartCARS , fully configured and functional to simulate loading operations!


1 - Geral

1.1 Sul Cargo Virtual is a fictitious airline that aims to simulate flight operations on virtual networks.

1.2It is a non-profit organization focused exclusively on entertainment in the environment virtual.

1.3 It is a virtual airline approved only for the network IVAO.

2 - Admission

2.1 The number of vacancies is calculated according to the company's current fleet and are opened without notice.

2.2 The interested party must have an active account on the network IVAO and perform all flights connected on the network. Flights offline or on another network will not be accepted.

2.3A theoretical test of basic knowledge of VFR, IFR, navigation, navigation, meteorology, weight and balance and flight theory where the candidate should have an equal advantage or more than 70% within 30 minutes.

2.4After approval, the candidate will have up to 7 days to make his first flight.

3 - Permanence and Conduct

3.1 The pilot board member must fly at least 1 flight every 30 days to maintain your active registration. Afterwards, it will be disconnected without prior notice.

3.2 The member may request temporary leave of up to 30 days. This removal can only be requested at intervals of at least 3 months.

3.3The member is responsible for knowing and complying with the IVAO . If suspensions or reports of misconduct, you may be alerted or turned off.

3.4 Each member is responsible for preserving the image and all material of Sul Cargo Virtual. O improper use or distribution may cause the pilot board member to be disconnected.

4 - Flight Reports

4.1 Sul Cargo Virtual uses SmartCARS as a flight registration platform.

4.2Every log sent will be analyzed by the eFOQA system.

4.3 If a recurrence in errors is noted, the pilot will be invited to meet with the sector operations and, if you insist on errors, you can be removed from operations.

4.4The staff group reserves the right to disapprove any log and the justification will be presented to the pilot through the portal.

5 -Career path


Posts Requirements Exams Berimbela
Co-pilot N/A OK comandante
Captain 300 Horas OK comandante

Open for subscriptions



Bruno Soares



Vaga disponivel


Vaga disponivel


Vaga disponivel